
On this page you can find material to help you prepare well for demonstrations and actions and carry them out successfully and safely.

Skills for Action Training Manual (pdf 8.2 MB), international, English language edition

Here is a video (in German) by the Ende Gelände campaign summarizing the theoretical part of an introductory action training session based on the Skills for Action approach.

In addition, we are very happy to be able to provide you with the guide Civil disobedience trans*, inter, non-binary and agender (= TINA) people (German/ Italian/ French/ Spanish/ Portuguese) guide from the comrades of the trans action network. You can reach them at trans[dot]action[at]disroot[dot]org.

Handouts from the training manual

In the following section you can find the handouts from part E of our handbook as individual files. More German-language material is available on the German version of this site.

Other material